Munthe is the founder and Managing Partner of Herkules – a leading Nordic private equity player. Munthe has more than 20 years’ experience as a senior executive from both Norwegian and international business. He was CEO of Alpharma 1998-2000, listed on the NYSE. He was CEO of NetCom in the period 1993 to 1998 and led the company to profitability four years after commercial launch. Prior to NetCom, he was Executive Vice President of Hafslund Nycomed and then CEO of Nycomed Imaging from 1988 to 1993. From 1983 to 1987 he worked for McKinsey & Company in Oslo and New York. Munthe was responsible for Pronova investments in Herkules. Pronova turned to be the world’s leading supplier of Omega 3-based drugs. Munthe has extensive board experience. Munthe holds a degree in economics and statistics from the University of Oslo, and an MBA and an MIA (Master of International Affairs) from Columbia University in New York.